Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I set up a Google Calendar to send me a text reminder every day of three new things I added to my morning routine. It went well.

Today, before all of the terrifying physics innuendo, Cartwright said to the class, "Guys, I'm about to show you something you've never seen before." It took him a few seconds to get the demonstration set up. But while he was doing so, I realized, I'd never seen Cartwright in the that same position. In fact, while most things in my life have become familiar, there is no situation so fully identical that I've seen it before. Everything is new. I wish I could hold this thought when taking a moment for granted. Or someone. Then Cartwright showed us magnets on the overhead.

"Boys take a bath, to get more math
Girls take a shower to get more power."
In reality, it was the boys who were founding the basis of power.

This weekend had a flurry of art amidst three straight days of studying for HiQ. Yesterday, I read Best for the Baby, the romance novel that Kira got as a free gift, along with another free gift! It was very effectively the best way to shut down my brain. But, today it got me remembering about a boy I like, which got me thinking 'bout boys I don't like, which made me conclude: that Dave is a serious ass to me, and I didn't do anything wrong. Also, he's fat and slobby looking.

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