Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Recent Developments: I make a friend

Sup, babe? I got fast fingers and a good grasp of adjectives. What do you say to some explicit communications via text message?

Hahahahahahaha i love you!

I'm not looking for commitment. I never said anything about love except the hot, sweet physical kind. Hope your night with Stasi is deep and emotion delving!

I wanna lick your sweet adverb dripping body.

Hahaha. I am scandalized by how quickly this friendship turned physical. But I admit, I was only in this for your adverb adjective body and your adjective wit.

Haha. Chloe. Lets be friends.

I heartily endorse that statement. I would invited you over for a sleepover and pillow fight or what not, but neither of us has finished our summerwork.
-Chloe, end communication

"when I am 24, I will tell people I am 4!"

I make my brother out to be such a badass, which he is, of course, but it makes all of my friends want to meet him. I think he's too cool for most of us.

When I have my silver studs in and a bandanna on to hold back my hair, I feel almost sorta like a badass.

I downloaded some Weezer today. My impression of them would be so much better if their first song I heard wasn't Beverly Hills.

I have eaten more food while outside of my home (mostly Stasi's and bandcamp) than I have in my house since Thursday.

On the AP Lit. journal requirements sheet, it says, "It's More then Just Rain." I think it's a grammar mistake, but it might not be.

[Edit: C&H Depressing comic week is really good at owning up to its title.]

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Emoticon: Words, Words, Words

Our new fridge is too warm to keep milk safe and the freezer is not cold enough to keep popsicles frozen. Right now, we have our old fridge set up in the barn and my dad says, " makes me feel like a hillbilly, but at least it's not out on the porch."

Thusly, this evening, as I ventured upon a short jaunt into the night to fetch some milk fo' milk and coo-kays, I stepped on a slug. It was big. And, it was sticky.

On Saturday, I told the freshman what Katie wishes she had been able to.

I've gotten so much better at guitar since I start pwn'ing bar chords.

Because I was invited to sing at the talent show, I figured I should probably figure out what my voice sounds like. I started recording myself singing songs within my vocal range, and it's easier to figure out how to fix the way things sound now. I'm almost starting to not dislike my singing voice.

Hot Knives has been promoted to one of my favorite Bright Eyes songs because I can play it and sing it, and some of the lyrics remind me of who I wish I was.

All through the summer I've developed many varied and new friendships. They're not permanent yet, I know, but it's still a fascinating group of interrelated people who all talk about each other.

I've finally found a group of girls who I enjoy talking about sex with. It's finally girls who know, enjoy, and understand.

Last year, I promised my teachers that I would write them appreciation letters. I even handed out "IOUs." Unfortunately, while I still appreciate them, I haven't put it into words yet...

Roughly a quarter of the times I get ready for bed at night I think, "Barely seventeen and barely dressed..."

Words I wrote on my hand today: "Tonton Marcoute" and "blephanoplasty."

"I call on you not to hate because hate does not leave a space for a person to be fair and it makes you blind and closes all doors of thinking and keeps away one from balanced thinking and making the right choice. I also call on you not to hate the peoples of the other countries that attacked us and differentiate between the decision-makers and peoples. Anyone who repents... you must forgive him."

The previous are words taken from the last letter of an important political leader and humanitarian. He advocated free, modernized health care, free education, and a diversified national infrastructure campaign, winning an award from the United Nations Education, Science, and Cultural Organization for his work. He never met his father, his only older brother died of cancer at age 13, despite this, still managed to achieve one of the most prominent roles in international government in recent years. It's funny the things I didn't know about Saddam Hussein because I was close minded.]