Friday, February 12, 2010

Today was not a good day.

xkcd was very good today.

I just helped pierce my brother's ear.
It was unnerving.

I'm achy.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Making My Way to Normal (Illinois)

For every time I've listened to "Like a Rolling Stone," I've never considered how it does feel. To find out he really wasn't where it's at. It's a harsh song. Not nearly so bad as "Idiot Wind," (nod to Nicki), but that little Jewish boy really knew how to make it sting.

"it was gravity which pulled us down and destiny which broke us apart."

Recently re-downloading Ben Folds from a scratched gold disc with Sharpie on it, I remembered singing "Brick" on the band bus. Remembered singing maliciously at Trisha as she sat outside Sarah's house. Remembered climbing trees in Matt's backyard, thinking, "you took a trip, and climbed a tree..." from "Not the Same," something I've become. Landed reminds me of a Klaus Oldenberg sculpture. Quietly singing "Bitches Ain't Shit" in the business district of NYC, scared we were going to get beat up by black people. Zak and Sara. Fred Jones, "how do we know his first name???" Adelaide's no longer a place to go to forget, it's more painful remembering. We screamed Army on the way to Wildwood. We screamed everything down there. Still, We was a different bunch of people.

"3. 2. 1. I'm letting you go."

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I wonder, if at any given moment, more people are singing or crying. Or maybe both?

Making lists is super entertaining.

In the current draft of "Get the F out of GV: Things to Take to College," there are ~150 things I've got listed, though no specifics on clothing yet.

I'd like to familiarize myself with Philly over the summer, so I feel more comfortable once school starts. Viv and I can have sleep overs whenever we want.


LEGOs outnumber people 62:1

"Guns don't kill people. Bullets do."

Triple Lasser Wednesday, comin' up.

Sarah Vowell does not possess a pleasant voice. Though, it is very peculiar. Despite this, her radio address and essay in the Bedford reader, "Shooting Dad" makes me tear up. Her diction is well chosen, and her tone is straightforward. "But I will not cover my ears... I want it to hurt."

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Returning from MOE and talking about the senior prank planned for that night, Noah and I got to discussing my past relationships. It was interesting to share with someone who's aware of the characters, but has never heard the stories. I was so close to being bold and asking him the question boggling Anna and me, but alas, I couldn't do it.

Hunting around f.y.e., Nick F., Amanda H., and I found "Nights of 1,000 Cats," the greatest horror movie ever bought for $1.97.

I've been putting up messages in the stalls again. But whenever I remember to bring my marker, I've already got something written down. I'd like to do a big piece.

In bringing in my fuzzy diary to be used as a physics diary, I was prompted to reread all of my entries, spanning back to middle school. Surprisingly coherent, it documented crushes on nearly every single guy I've liked to 8th grade.

I'm disappointed with Wolfmother's "Cosmic Egg." Their first LP had a distinct, rough electric feeling for each of the singles. The most recent release is fairly homogenous across the whole album, though in a similar, duller sound.

My writing used to be way better.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Kate and I went sledding today.

It feels impossible to update on "my life," because there is no time for anything to happen. dfHellotg. That last bit was typed by my cat before he turned on CAPS LOCK and "Caret Browsing."

Superbowl commercials suck this year and are all for CBS shows. Except the Green Police commercial that just happened. Taco Bell commercial loses the game. Doritos get it back on track.

Dan and I biked to Build a Dream Playground Friday before the snow. It's always interesting to catch up on each others' lives, since we so infrequently have time for hanging out. I saw Brianna F. just outside Hetty's neighborhood as I was riding back home.

I have to return a letter in response to Hetty's postcard.

It's my senior year, and I want to go to States again, not just Championships.

I'm learning so much second semester of senior year. HO' CARP.

Every so often, when I'm feeling a little blue, I think, "I have a song written about me." By that statement, I've done something right, or something worth a revenge song.