Saturday, January 28, 2012

Singing, Reading, Eating

I've been singing a lot. I might possibly like my voice now, but it's very timid in public.

My reading material of late have been Walden and Cunt, both manifestos in sorts, but urging individual expression. This is difficult for me. I don't know what I love. I know who I love, and the intangible things I love about them, but very few verbs. Reading. Sketching. Walking in new places. Swimming? Singing? Cooking? Considering this, I walked to the more distant, local grocery store. (As opposed to the big, fancy, overpriced store for college students.) There, I bought ~14lbs. of fruits and vegetables, four pounds of pasta, crackers for Bubba, and a gallon of milk. A $30 investment and a realization- conclusion #1, I want to eat a variety of fresh, healthy foods. If I continue to buy $30 of food a week, my expenses will be roughly $400 over the semester, considering supplements from home. The cheapest Temple meal plan, 5 meals a week, is $700. Good move, me.