Monday, January 26, 2009


Stuff I want to write about, random crazy things I've been thinking about, sad things I don't want to think about, and general thoughts perusing my head:

I'm going to write a short story about the aftermath of "the rain." The rain where it was raining men (Hallelujah) and every woman found their perfect love. What would happen to the men who had to find out that they weren't perfect for anyone?

If no one could lie to you. Not that they'd have to tell the truth, but if everything they said became truth. Not stories, but things they told to you as fact. Like fortune cookies. Steve Goff got "you love sports, horses, and gambling, but not to excess :)" What the hell? Or maybe just if every fortune cookie told you the truth, no matter how it was presented.

I know you meant it, and I loved you before and because of it, but I honestly don't think you'd be capable of breaking his neck. I feel like I never told you I loved you, even if it's not like that.

Sometimes I feel like I'm making friends. Not real friends necessarily, but who I would like to talk to more and make it official. Also all the people who I've really liked before, but know I don't fit in with.

My little brother kicks ass. Literally and figuratively. I wonder about his personal character when he's not with me. I don't know where he gets his money.

I think I may have found my person to talk philosophy with. Looking back, I wonder how we all fit together, and who the next one will be. It's really strange to think about it, but I really like all of Dave's ex-girlfriends. He's got good taste in girls. We should form a club.

Vocab Vednesday is going to be awesome! I'm super excited for our first word, "calamity." Mad props to Matt and Dimitri Martin.

Vegetarianism appeals to me as part of a kind and efficient existence. However, it seems right that as an omnivore I should not deny myself meat. Once I go to college, I won't buy myself meat, as it's economically better, healthier, and generally more convenient. If someone offers, or it's Thanksgiving, I will indulge. Best line ever "it's a cookbook." The episode ends with, "Sooner or later, we'll all be on the menu." What a great fucking show.

I don't know how to tell someone they smell terrible and should shower more often. Do I do it anonymously? Other people agree with me, so I think something has to be said. It's incredibly pervasive and offensive to be near them for any period of time.

My reading has seemingly been all intertwined and self-referencing recently. Perhaps it's because I've been reading very leftist literature. Music has been an interesting change for me recently. I've been listening to rock and loud music to drown out the other thoughts and I'm enjoying it. However, many of my new music choices are mildly influenced by people I don't associate with at all.

I was totally serious watching that hilarious movie. Next time, just you three, we're gonna think it's even funnier.

Pirate seems like an ideal occupation, if only the Robin Hood kind of pirate stealing from oil tankers and rich assholes. It's the freedom of the wild seas, a collective anarchy, and all the booze and wenches. Being a girl gets you really appreciated I should think.

Being sexually harassed makes me feel pretty.

Sometimes I try to reconcile my philosophies and it doesn't quite work. I want to live the beautiful ideal that I am best to determine what is best for me, an anarchy. And yet, I would give my control to the boy who introduced me to this philosophy. Communism can only work with enough people. But I don't want to force people to join, otherwise it still won't work. I don't want to waste any time not doing what I want. However, it doesn't matter what I want if it absolutely takes someone else to complete it. If I do everything in my power to do what I want, it may still come down to someone else's affirmation. Be silly. Be honest. Be kind.

In my entry, "Questions I Should Ask" I don't remember who I was going to ask seven of the questions, but think they were important.


Sparks-of-Magic said...

About the movie: hell yes please, I am also totally serious about that too. Soon?

Your short story idea is rather sad (for the men at least), it kind of breaks my heart in a way.

I hope my fortune from today is the truth.

Lexie said...
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Lexie said...

lol we will think that movie is funnier the second time we all watch it good times, good times