Monday, March 9, 2009

Today, I ate mashed potatoes and green beans from tupperware while at my laptop.

On the ride home from drumline on Saturday, Molly and I had a poke fight lasting maybe 3 minutes. During those 3 minutes, everything in my entire world was perfect.

I've always said I'd make the perfect boyfriend because I appreciate girls, know what to say, and would say it. Jimmy does too.

I tried to take my first nap in the hammock of the year, but it was too windy. It doesn't hurt to be there anymore.

Bon Iver- Stacks
Recently, while looking for the songs from the [H]ouse season finale, I read the episode summary on Wikipedia. It made me tear up a little bit. Wilson was so heartbroken.

Another song that I've been listening to recently is Tell Her This by Del Amitri. I don't think the lyrics are supposed to be for new romances, but the sound is appropriate.

Strength and Conditioning has been a great place to think. Walking on the treadmill, I can be in and out of my mind, creating beautiful analogies or simply listening.

Right now, I have set up candles, listening to Stacks, and I am going to get into my bathrobe, and go through bliss.

[edit] I think I will, from this point on, associate "All Along the Watchtower" with Watchmen and Molly.

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