Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Today was awesome and the result of unfortunateness.
Jimmy hung out with Gabby all of yesterday, which was cool because I had to finish Molly's graduation gift. I asked him if he was free today, and he said, "No, I'm hanging out with Gabby again because she's leaving for Italy soon." Understandable, she leaves on the 13th, except that he's probably not going to want me back and I'll be leaving his life forever soon. Sorta in an effort to be mean, and sorta just because it's super fun to hang out with him, I txt'd Dan G. and asked what he was up to. We decided to hang out and frolic. The frolicking didn't happen, but we did bike around until eventually settling in to talk beneath a shady tree in Rob H. and Gab D.'s neighborhood. We talked about all sorts of interesting philosophical things, with promises to lend each other books and articles. Then we headed back to his house to meet up with Brandon, where they subsequently jammed. I was very excited to sit in on the jamming. Then we put french fries in the microwave, had "brownie bread," and Kool-Aid fruit punch. We decided to light sparklers on fire and have a water balloon fight, and I was conveniently wearing a bikini in case I decided to stop by Gina's. We had 17 water balloons and missed with probably 13 of them. Then we played "Civil Rights March" because Dan's hose looks like a fire hose from the south. It was fun and incredibly racist, but fun. We considered reenacting other tragedies, like the Hindenburg, but didn't. My pants were wet, and I am very proud to say that the only skinny jeans I have ever worn were Dan's. I just don't think they look very good on girls. Then we finally ate the french fries, tried to find people to come over, then sat in his front yard until Natalee and Kierstin showed up, followed by Taylor and Gabby. Dan, Brandon, and Gabby went inside at one point, leaving Taylor and I alone as Natalee and Kierstin left, and so we played volleyball, soccer, and catch with a basketball. It was a good time.

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