Wednesday, December 30, 2009

One Group: Three Projects

In AP English, my class was given a few options for a creative presentation of Hamlet. Some of those options consisted of interpretive dance, write a song, and select a play-list for a theatrical production of the play. Being young and ambitious proponents of the "Shakespearience," our group elected to construct all three of those options. Of course, in selecting the interpretive dance, I assumed that I would be the focus, as I am the only one in our class who would be comfortable with publically rolling around on the floor to depict the tragic and untimely death of frail Ophelia. Hopefully, our presentation will be recorded, and I will not giggle through the entire production, set to "Nightingale" by Howling Bells. Secondly, selecting a playlist. We shuffled through iTunes and found titles fairly related to Hamlet, "Poisonous Intent," "Lovesick Teenagers," and "The Day We All Died" and the like. However, we also included "Poker Face" after no debate as to relevancy. Doodling a CD cover was not difficult, except for remembering what happened in the play that could be accurately depicted on the tiny, irridescent space. Writing the Ballad of Ophelia was tougher. While I'd started out with a good basis, Evan P. had tuned Kira's guitar to drop D. I'm not fantastic at tuning from memory. Luckily, there was a tuner. Unluckily, I didn't know how to use it. Instead, Kira and I elected to go with the good ole' Psych standby, "Last Christmas." It's blunt and I don't know how the melody to the actual verse goes, but it'll be rockin'.

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