Friday, May 7, 2010

Closing of the Week

I've had a really lovely two days besides getting all mopey this afternoon. Yesterday, I rocked the Lit. Exam, read Wikipedia during Art, got mistaken for a substitute, and spent all the rest of the day in anticipation and utter elation. Disbelief fringed the whole experience, and an exhausted relief that all of my anxious fears were for naught. Several times I've sang with a catch in my throat. Several times I've teared up while singing. However, I could not recollect having such experiences caused by disbelieving joy.

States was fun. The day had me flattered, as my intellect and my shoes were complimented. We missed qualifying for semifinals by two questions. Retrospectively, that what it always seems to come down to for our HiQ team. "If we had just done this..." "if only I had said 'hour' instead of 'day,' 'stream' instead of 'current....'" Still, it is an honor and wonderful experience to attend State Academic Championships. The Capitol Building is artful almost to garish effect. There are gilded cherubs and flowering scroll work EVERYWHERE. I explored around before lunch to amuse myself with the lavish government headquarters. Being with the team felt good today; though I didn't know how to compose myself, full of dirty thoughts tempered with respectable duties. Wasiq fell asleep in the van on the way home. It was kind of adorable.

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