Thursday, April 14, 2011


Tonight was the community garden's fundraiser banquet. We doubled our private bank account, informed the community there's actually non-toxic dirt somewhere on campus, and ate (slightly less than) a ton of great food. Steve came. I everyone I personally invited came. Danielle lent me an entire outfit and did my makeup, and I was adorable. It was a wonderful, wonderful night.

Kira is now in possession of a 9' tall steel bear skeleton- reduced to a Kira-tall bear skeleton torso.

Biking to work was unreasonably pleasant this morning as was watching sarcasm be explained to a three year old girl. Even more so was biking to the fabric district and browsing swatches in the after-work, afternoon sun. Completing my survey of fabric distributors, I headed over to Rittenhouse to bother Kevin on his project. We hung out and talked in the grass for approximately two hours following its completion.

Gab and I made dirt (pudding/oreo/gummi worm) upon my return to campus, with Tina on the assist later proclaiming, "If I liked pudding or chocolate, y'all would have to give me one of those."

I just found and removed the most satisfying split end. I had to show it to Danielle it was so split.

Last night found me witness to an interesting mix of the mundane and the thrilling.

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