They're beautiful and smell very cool and light. I've never gotten a bouquet before and I don't know if there's any special way I'm supposed to dry them so I can save it. I felt very much myself because I was wearing my fancy heels that cost more than $20 and a dress that only I have owned and a necklace I bought with my own money with flowers gotten specifically for me that took effort to get, and yet not me because I only ever wear things that are secondhand. It was nice. I had a lot of fun.
to dry: hang in a bouquet holder (if there was one, or just rubber band the stems) upside down for two weeks in a dry/dark place. air tight cabinets are best, even if it's hard to get the flowers hanging in there, but closets work well too, just don't open the door too often. spray them with hairspray afterwards for extra protection.
to press: find a big heavy book, preferably with waxy pages that won't be damaged by moisture. put the flowers in a folded piece of wax paper inside the book, making sure the stems aren't sticking out or keeping the edges open. check back in about two weeks.
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