Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Best Lines: A Summary

Wasiq and I are having a lovely Facebook message conversation about why he doesn't have a secret girlfriend or a real girlfriend, and the complications of getting one. The following are the best lines from each message post.

1. The Opening: i know you were anxious to hear the whole deal with the secret girlfriend/girlfriend/having a girlfriend thing

2. The Response:
I'm sure there are plenty of whities who've never been kissed.

3. He Gets My Letter in the Mail
why would write that first sentence on that letter

4. The Defense
Makes secret sleepovers harder

5. The Gasp
i wouldn't be able to keep it a secret for very long lol.

6. The Follow Up Gasp
and...alarm and no windows?

7. The Cold, Hard Truth
It'll be a while before you unleash the Beast from the Middle East.

8. The Misunderstanding of the Extent of the Innuendo
i would feel really awkward unleashing it with someone else...

9. Correcting the Misunderstanding
Awkward territory, but "unleashing the beast" includes a very wide spectrum of pleasurable activities.

10. The Last Line of #9. was very straight forward
I realized the letter would be summarized as the last line and didn't want you to see that first.

11. Laughter

12. Bang Bang
i was straight up thinking like bang bang bang ba bang bang.

13. Further Clarification
I just meant acting on your physical desires and letting others act theirs on you.

14. The Past
yea we were having conversations at lunch and at one point..i think i referred to "beast" as well...dick.

15. The Cliffhanger
at least not yet. ;)

16. The Tease
Maybe I'll wear that skirt a little more (and then a little less). :O

17. Just Checking
of course i'd go to your funeral!

18. Obvious Statement
We've got some serious usage of the winky smiley face going on.

19. The Entire Summary of the Conversation
...provocative/seductive/quasi-seductive/innuendo/intentional innuendo comments need a winkey smiley.

20. FACT
Plus I always win Never Have I Ever.

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