Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ugly Sunset by Ethic

Sunset, ducking beneath that horizon
what are you so afraid of?
it gave me goosebumps
undeniably dramatic
pouring rain
whipping wind
one last breath
she rose out of that lake like silhouetted sea creature
polaroid proof
damaging my internal organs like soundwaves

if there ever was a moment to be labeled poetic
this was it
she was everything
and we were endless

and now she's nailing some other guy and
I'm trapped between the foreground and the background
as the only guy she knew
who could make her tingle
the breakup gave me acupuncture wounds in all the wrong places
which felt less like a sacred chinese method of release and relaxation
and more like being jabbed with a bunch of little fucking needles

so this
is to that sunset
which claims to be beautiful
with it's shapes and shades and mystical colors but really
it's one ugly motherfucker
that sunset
has put an end to more beautiful days than you care to count
that sunset
is the reason for teen curfews and little girls being taken from their homes
that sunset
is the cause of evil worldwide

fuck that thing
you can paint your canvas and snap your photos,
but I sumbit
that that is one ugly sunset

that sunset
and all of its hideous glory
barked death threats at me
and told me that if I thought it was so fucking ugly that I shouldn't look at it
and if I thought these feelings were too painful
then I shouldn't write poetry about them

I look at that sunset
because even ugly is beautiful
and humanity holds no standards
so kissing the audience with my break up poem is not self indulgence
it's taking something ugly
and painful
and heartbreaking beyond comprehension
and showing you just how fucking beautiful
life can be
so go ahead sunset
keep causing death and destruction and darkness
masking it as beauty
and go ahead baby
make me jealous
pluck my nerves and
yank those fucking tears out of me
I appreciate beauty
no matter how difficult it is to find

I hope you
can do the same

ugly sunset
ducking beneath that horizon
what are you so afraid of?

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