Thursday, November 19, 2009

Brief and Monotonous Thoughts

I'm going to wake up and wonder, "Why did I do that?"

Kira and I'll be checkin' stuff off my resolution list Saturday.

They switched the date of the dodgeball tournament, so now I can't be in it. I forced pull-ups upon everyone for nothing.

Being the only girl on HiQ makes me feel much, much more lonely than I thought I would be.

I have an idea for "art," that is more suitable as a comic. I drew it on one of the letters I keep writing.

Ceci tells stories with grandiose gestures. The word grandiose is always awkward.

If I had finished my art work on time, she would have given me an excellent sticker instead of 50 points off.

Birthday presents still haven't arrived yet. I am sorry. I don't even have wrapping paper.

I have a feeling I'll be crying on the same day, two years in a row, for similar reasons.

The canned food drive was totally lame this year. It makes me sad. Poor people must have very high sodium diets.

Mrs. A. is beckoning me, saying, "This is everything you could be if only you educate yourself! Let your ignorance die so you can grow!" And I think, "It is everything I want to be, except not that psycho," realizing this conversation is interpreted from gestures and gaps of logical mental functioning.

I spoke with my brother for a long time today. I missed him. I miss a lot of people. I am far away.

"We are each a beautiful snowflake that will melt in hell."
PfSC: 233 "Guest Comic" 249 271 277 reminds me of Stasi.

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