Wednesday, January 20, 2010

TAL #374: Somewhere Out There

There isn't just one special person for everyone. If things don't work out with my current interest, I'll just find another. There's probably 10,000 people out there I could fall blissfully, eternally in love with. It's a small number, in comparison to the 6.5 billion other human beings on this planet. Still, from the other side, no man will ever need me. There's not much I have to offer, in terms of uniqueness. Every other woman on the planet has a body, quite a few speak English and are in the right age group. Even of those women, a lot of them are pretty smart, pretty funny, or regular ol' pretty. If things don't work out, there's nothing to lose but me, and I'm replaceable. In memories of a shared past, there's no substitute. But for the future, it could be anyone.

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