Sunday, October 3, 2010

"Tapestries are nomadic murals"

What a wonderful weekend.

Friday night, I went to South Street with a girl from band for First Friday shopping. While the only thing either of us bought was an ice cream cone, it was still a super fun experience. We checked out both Mood and Condom Kingdom. Penis pasta is definitely on the list of things I want to cook as a meal. It was a windy night, and I suppose there was a feeling in the night, 'cuz we were making eye contact with guys like crazy. One of the guys I saw was in a convertible, and I made sure to laugh while eating my ice cream. After getting back in for the night, I went over to the Tyler building and read their educational exhibit on the Coptic Monasteries in Egypt. Upon returning back, I sat with some girls from my floor and our RA in the hall and talked about whatever. It was a good time.

Saturday morning, I got up early to water the garden and help build a compost receptacle. Only four people and a kitten showed up, but it was an intimate time and we all made hummus at the club leader's apartment afterward, even though I don't really like it. Around 5, I went to catch dinner at the SAC and head over to Presser to get on the buses. It was a good ride up to Pennridge High School for an exhibition. We got a little bit lost, got a little bit slap happy. Even though holding cymbals through all of the announcements wasn't too hot, I enjoyed remembering high school. The bus ride back was even better. After that, I hung out with Chase and had the geekiest night of my life. It was a bifecta (like a trifecta, but two) of geekiness. I learned how to play Magic: the Gathering and got the briefest history lesson in the lore of World of Warcraft, with some notes on its origins in Tolkien.

Sunday morning, M&M pancakes. Mine were exclusively blue and green, and I made wishes and was thankful on them respectively. Around 3, I met up with Gab, Kira's roommate and a friend from Spanish class to go to the Philadelphia Museum of Art for discounted First Sunday. We got there a little late for its closing at 5, but still a wonderful time exploring. I felt like a barbarian for how little I know. We got dinner at "Rex's: Rex's is the best." It was some little pizza place on our way back to the subway with jumbo pizza slices at least twice the size of a normal slice. I was unaware of that at the time of ordering, and so got two slices. I couldn't finish the second one, because we also had mozzarella sticks and french fries. In the evening, I finished up my homework.

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