Sunday, November 7, 2010


Viv's happy statuses make me smile, but also reflective.
If it works out for her, or for Joe & Meg, then I will believe in love.

I think that I should like to get a few more sweaters for the upcoming chilly season, perhaps two or three with buttons that are not itchy.

The Cleopatra Exhibit at the Franklin Institute wasn't as well curated as I would've liked. Our audio narrator was an awful voice actress, and narrated in the first person with emotional sentiment. Ugh. While the artifacts themselves were certainly interesting, everything was so forcefully attached to the history of Egypt's last pharaoh that it rendered without cultural context. However, it was nice that my mom and I got winded together after flights of steps and had to sit down together. Damn young people taking up all the benches.

These stretches of sleepy illness produced so many dreams. Since coming to college, my lack of remembered dreams unsettles me. Maybe it's the lack of sleep routine or stress of change, but unsettling none the less. Most of these sick dreams touched on themes of summer. After all, my temperature regulation had me sweating spoonfuls.

I want to do installation pieces rather than stenciling. They're often more difficult for objectors to spot, and mine in mind don't cause property damage as vandalism. However, they're often bigger, unwieldy, and more time consuming than a small-medium sized stencil. And, while I like to claim that this sentiment is the result of a fear of cameras, I'll likely never do either.

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