Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Every single Phish song I own reminds me of Dave. One towards the end of gym class he thought the "Wish You Were Here" shirt Molly got me for Christmas said, "Phish." I'd always associated him with the band even if I wasn't specifically sure why I'd picked up the connection. He has some ridiculous amount of Phish on his iPod; something around 10 GB. Before there were even speckles of interest, during the Stink Bomb Crisis, I checked out all of the available Phish albums from Brandywine Hundred and set to listening. I didn't keep everything, in fact, I didn't keep much. One of the outstanding songs was Waste. The lyrics are fantastic and the mood is so calm and mellow it's a wonderful lounging song. I distinctly remember telling Dave that I had listened to Waste and watched the sun set, at least a month before my birthday party. About a week before my birthday, he sent me Farmhouse, one song from White Tape, and the rest of Led Zeppelin IV I did not already have. During my party, after I had just barely escaped bearwrestling on a technicality, Farmhouse came on over the loudspeakers and we made eye contact, and I smiled and sang a little. Farmhouse especially reminds me of him.

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