Friday, February 13, 2009

Filming, final day

Jimmy's final product has to be sent out today and the post office closes in 7 minutes. I hope he makes it. I got to Jimmy's around 12:20 and he was still in the shower. His mom and I talked for a few minutes, when he finally came down. If he wins the scholarship Mrs. A will take us all out for dinner. He showed me the edited product from yesterday's adventure, which was a tiny bit hilarious on several accounts. In the original film, Rob played the protagonist, but then he was busy and Eric P. replaced him. Then Eric quit and Rob was in again. However, by that time, Jimmy had already shot Rob in two others scenes that seriously force the audience to question whether or not he has a twin and/or can teleport. Music is absolutely beyond melodramatic, and some of the scenes are goofy beyond expression. Also, the ending is a total cop out due to lack of CGI magic. However, though I could never be an actress, I enjoyed it a lot. Rob came up, we watched again, realized a few more holes in continuity, but whatever. The light effects on the slow motion running scenes look brilliant, even if slow-mo is a tad unnecessary.

The only scene we had to film in the house was a phone call and experiencing the earthquake. After taking minutes generating random names on the census bureau, one came up already with the first name "Rosie" so we stole the last name, "Davila" and programmed it into Rob's phone so caller ID would show up. Jimmy left Fouraker's tripod at school, thinking we'd have to come back today, as well as his better tripod. Using his crappy one that threatened to fall off his kitchen table and smash through a glass door, he shot Rob's phone vibrating on his wooden table. CONTINUITY ERROR!

After mild revision, my phone call wakes up Ben, but he fell asleep on the couch, not near the kitchen table, so we had to reshoot it with the phone standing up so the caller ID would show up. Then comes the issue that in the script he says he's already had Pop Tarts for breakfast, but I just woke him up. Jimmy wanted to conveniently and inexplicably place the package of Pop Tarts upright on the little table where Ben fell sleep. That doesn't make any reasonable sense in the least. The solution was to place an opened pack of Pop Tarts next to the couch for him to find and devour. Yay! But on the topic of placing completely unnecessary objects on that little side table, Jimmy went to go find a book, or something that would suggest Ben is getting ready for school. "I've got to have some kind of learning book around here..." Jimmy mumbled wandering off. "Learning book?! What the hell is a learning book?! What a stupid dick I am!" The idea was abandoned. Scene finished.

Oh no, I have to experience the earthquake and look like an idiot. In my scene, I call Ben, while making tea, and then fall over and freak out. It was sometime during this scene that Alexa decided to come down and make Hot Pockets for a few minutes. Following that, I have some wonderful visual humor, and upon flinging myself onto the floor, drop my phone. Now, my phone suffers from spontaneous battery ejection, and thought continuing a conversation with a busted phone wouldn't look so great. Mr. Shiller had some old phones he gave to Jimmy, which were in far worse a state than mine, i.e. "flipping the phone open would result in having two halves of a phone." For no particular reason, Rob decided that the earthquake had struck him too, so he fell over and began sliding around the linoleum floor until he hit carpet. Eventually, we got the scene finished.

Rob gave me a ride home, and managed to open a can of coke with his teeth while driving. Although he may eventually lose his teeth, it was an impressive display of skillful maneuvering and I told him so. It was a very pleasant day of filming and I hope Jimmy wins.

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