Saturday, August 15, 2009

Stuff In My Phone

So oddly i miss you? Haha well have to hang out when I get back.
-Nick F.


I'm kinda pretty and pretty kind

I don't drink. I don't smoke. I use soft drugs very infrequently. I don't fuck. I take AP classes. I am on the HiQ team and marching band. I am involved in politics. I am a "student leader." I did well on my SATs. I have never been arrested. I don't drive. I honestly care about the guys I date. I am a feminist. I recycle. I listen to classic rock and NPR. I own vinyl albums. I read the newspaper. I obey and respect my parents. I miss my grandparents. I write and send honest to goodness letters and postcards. I appreciate the things I have and beauty, no matter how hard it is to find. I love reading. I like science and math. I am awesome in history. I appreciate nature.

Good gift to me: Your dick in a box.
Bad gift from me: Your dick in a box.

We were walking in time, but on opposite feet. We were walking together on different streets.

forgot nothing but the feeling

What are the colorful tubes between the "truck" and the "trailer" on an 18 wheeler?
Why do shape mac n' cheeses taste better?

"The Old Regime and the Revolution"

"I bet it's sleazy. I want to read it."

I didn't believe in destiny until you told me it was ours.

I want to find my boy writing the dracula rock opera.

I cannot tell you how long your road is, but do not fear the obstacles.

Well you're just a geographical oddity. Two weeks from everywhere.

Course it's Pete. Just look at him. We gotta find some sorta wizard to change him back.

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