Monday, January 25, 2010

Dismal Science? More like the Jizz-mal Science

What was our Macro homework?

For tonight or the one i was doing in the library? Cuz there isnt any for ill assume u want the library one...and that is...questions 2,6,7,9,10

Nope, already turned that one in. Thanks, Was! I think it'd be a good study application if I came over and studied how to satisfy your unlimited wants sometime.

Hahahaha. Well technically that wouldn't be studying economics,would it? I mean last time i checked u didnt possess scarce ud be fulfilling

Haha, you're making it sound like a dismal science! We've both only got limited time and we should allocate it efficiently.

Good idea. I say i start at the bottom of ur production possibilities curve for a bit...and work my way up top.

my unlimited wants with..ur unlimited resources? Dayummmm. ;)

:] But you've got to be running at full production to satisfy those needs. Luckily, the only opportunity cost is missing out testing your elastic bed springs.

Hahah. Damn. Im outta ideas. Nice one.

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