Monday, February 1, 2010

P.S. I have never seen a baby squirrel.

"Respect must be there in order for love to grow. One cannot love someone or something one disrespects or hates, or is unable to communicate with."
-Simple English Wikipedia on Love

I'm a failed communicator. Though I write, though I speak eloquently when required, I am crass and offensive. I do not make efforts to extend myself to others, partly for ignorance, partly for contentment with myself. How do I initiate conversation? How do I maintain it, or better yet, discover it in new people? There are only a few people who have ever been worth deep conversation with. Some, I speak to occasionally, forgiven my lack of correspondence due to external circumstance. Others, I am at fault, and striving to recreate those connections.

"Once freedom has exploded in the soul of man, the gods no longer have any power over him"

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