Monday, February 1, 2010

Hotcakes, Griddlecakes, Pancakes, and Flap Jacks

"How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?"

After enhancement, on my way to lunch, I stopped by Cartwright's room to put my binder in his class for fourth period. Unfortunately, Dave was already there, sitting in my seat, so I elected to delegate this action to Wasiq. Cartwright is the third teacher to compare me to my former heartache, though I'm the version for dummies without any of the "cool." It's a shame I freeze up when I see him, but I don't believe we could manage an aquaintanceship, much less on friendly terms. If not first love, can second love be explained in terms of science? At what point will cynicism guide me to accept that love is a bunch of hormones and social conditioning. It's not yet, and please, not in my youth. Jimmy is certainly intelligent beyond any standard of norm, kind, a comedic genius, and talented in his aspirations. I feel evil looking back on my treatment of him, which I don't think he would want me to do, but regardless. To defend myself, I was scared and hesistant and utterly unexcuseable. There was no way I would let myself fall in love with him, despite the laughter and romance. Now, I'm all a waste of blue M&Ms, but still grateful.

"There are four words to describe flat discs of cooked batter, but only one word for love."

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