Monday, February 15, 2010

So Pleased with a Daydream

I've been playing Bright Eyes again. Playing a lot of guitar in general. I've added another couple bar chords to memory and more party songs to my repetoire. The songs of my own composition haven't been very coherent as of late. But then again, I haven't had time or inspiration.

After submitting the FAFSA, I got an expected EFC of 20. That number alone is completely out of context, so I looked up the scaling. Lower is better. The minimum is a reasonable 0, and there is no determined max, only that a score of 4000 is the upper-most cut off for a Pell grant.

Whenever considering a college, the motto is, "Don't let cost limit your options!" I'm not sure what idiot is telling kids that, but cost was pretty much my number one consideration in applying. Therefore, my applications were sent out to two schools. Temple, because it is my number one; and Penn State, because it was determined fairly late that I probably should have a number two. I heard from Temple two weeks ago and am still waiting to see if I got into the Honor's Program. PSU got back to me today, and UP is no longer accepting students. While a blow to my pride, I defer the decision as being because of my late application and tell myself, "I'm wouldn't have gone to middle of nowhere, PA, with classes as big as my whole high school, and a student population where 20% of them binge drink every week." The problem of drinking is so bad at the #1 Party School, that This American Life did a terrifying show about it. My parents are excited I'm going anywhere. First generation college kid! Rural PA can suck racist dick! I'm going to North Philly.

Twice in my life, I've had to leave a guy just as the sun was coming around. Unfortunately, on the most beautiful evening, when Stasi and I stayed up well into the morning to watch the sun rise over the Atlantic, it was a rainy day and a stunningly fabulous experience.

Grudgingly frustrated as I am to be in band, I'm glad it's with the freshmen and Kate.

"The arc of time, the stench of sex
The innocence you can't protect"

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