Saturday, May 15, 2010

Stuff and Terrible Music!

The first time I ever saw a Sham-Wow commercial was during an episode of SNL and I thought it was another skit. I feel this is a satisfactory introduction to the product.

I haven't found a tree that I can climb at my mom's house yet, but I've been enjoying the creek (despite it being filled with trash).

On account of Joe's party today, I watched the music video to "Get this Party Started" and it was a great blast from the past. It also made me want to dance a little bit.

Aaron Carter was, like, 12 when Aaron's Party came out. Marketing music to 'tweens must be the easiest job in the world. "For now I won't sweat it, I'll just clean it up later." He couldn't lip sync. Lordie. It makes me ashamed.

I would LOVE to be the Britney Spears flight attendant from Toxic for Halloween.

I'm trying to figure out what the text limit on my new cell phone is. I'm at 54, so it's definitely above my last one.

[Edit: I got to 128 and decided to fuck it, because it's not like I'll be keeping that many texts.]

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