Sunday, July 4, 2010


"If there ever was a moment to be labeled poetic, this was it"

I enjoyed my company this week.
Party. Joel. Stasi. Party. Party. Jeff. Gary.

"she was everything; and we were endless"

Today prompted the beginnings of a new journal, as my last one was entirely filled. Every day since May 6th (with the exception of the family reunion) has been documented.

"I'm trapped between the foreground and the background as the only guy she ever knew who could make her tingle"

I can't wait for college to say 'no' for me. Augh.

"That sunset has put an end to more beautiful days than you care to count"

I remember everything. Every slight and cruelty and sweet moment no one else will ever remember. I hate it.

"It's taking something ugly, and painful, and heartbreaking beyond comprehension"

Most days, I'd peg myself at a 5.5-6 Throw on some eye make up and a bikini, I like to think that I could push an 8.

"and showing you just how fucking beautiful life can be."

When I feel like emotional shit, I want to go running. It's too bad that only happens at night.

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