Monday, July 5, 2010

Vae Victo

I'm either an ass or making assumptions.

I only know the date when I have to write it down in my journal. My hope is that in writing sparse details of daily activities, my memory will always be able to fill in the rest. I'm forgetting things that happened in summers past, unless I can remember the date.

June 30th, July 3rd, 4th, and 5th, July 11th, July 19-20th, the 25th, August 5th, August 9th, September 7th, September 22nd, November 21st-22nd.

June 27th. July 10th. August 13th. August 15th (?). August 22nd.

I can recall hours from these dates, full of details and emotions and little stupid things. This is the first year I hold any significance to winter dates, but I'm scared this summer is so brilliant it will be without distinct highlights.

Envy and greed are the motivating forces of ambition - and without ambition, very little of any importance would be accomplished.
The Satanic Bible
Woo, apathy!

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