Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Jack and I went to see Inception again this evening. It definitely proved its worth in rewatching, and a solid use of his free tickets. Nearly all of the early scenes dust in subtlety that requires an understanding of the whole. A second viewing also helped me solidly pin down thoughts about the movie and ideas it represents. Still, my mind wandered very far from the cinema. Forty minutes in, my mom texted me out of the blue. I hadn't spoken to her that day, and it made me sad I'd never realized that she probably spends a lot of time thinking about me when we're apart. Of course, technophobe as she is, she sent it in drastically abbreviated "txt tlk." Her text, short and broken as it was, summarized a nagging thought too tantalizing to ignore, but too painful to answer. As a practical utilitarian, I hope that she's wrong. As a cynic and a skeptic, I tell myself that she is wrong. As a selfish girl experiencing something more than anything I've ever lived through, I wish that she was right. I don't want an answer. I try not to think about it, try not to come to a solid conclusion. Because without a definitive answer, everything is beautiful and nothing hurts.

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