Friday, August 6, 2010

Life is Good

Mind you, I'm not going to be one of those douchebaggy, John Mayer types with the visors, bumper stickers, and frisbees, but it is a statement I will endorse. There are 17 days of paper left in my journal, which is just long enough to document my first full day away from home. Realizing this, I went back to see if all this writing had its intended effect, for me to be able to read the words and remember all the left out detail and emotions. Selecting two days at random, one from May and another mid-June, it appears to work! From the sentence, "We went to the mall." I remembered where and why we went and the conversations had along the way. I'm glad to see that my gifts were put to good use and so pertinent in recording this particular summer. Maybe this winter I'll read through the entries and hopefully just as easily say, "life is good."

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