Monday, July 26, 2010


"Too much capitalism does not mean too many capitalists, but too few capitalists."
-G. K. Chesterton

Every so often, I want to throw myself into a life of Bohemian abandonment. Maybe write a few articles for radical publications, volunteer at the anarchist book store, such and the like. It's not because I am exceptionally passionate about social reform. I can talk about the ills of society all day long, but what have I done to combat poverty, its hunger and homelessness, its destructive lack of education? Right now, I equate being informed with being involved. If I actually participate in the process of fighting injustice, I can alleviate my middle-class guilt, but that is still not the attraction. These moods are appealing because I wanted to be surrounded by passionate people. Artists and anarchists, I'm sure, have fantastic stories and excitement in their lives. It's the same with poetry, music, and art. The subject is appealing, but the people are what draw me in. Hopefully they won't call my bluff.

[Edit: Temple has THREE separate socialist clubs on campus!]

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