Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Inputting, Outputting, Offputting

These past few days have felt like there is not enough time to learn everything that I want to. Today heralded my discovery of iTunes U, so the afternoon has been spent downloading various lectures from various prestigious universities across the globe. Open courseware is phenomenal, but I'm not sure if I have the time to actively focus on a lecture. Theoretically, the plan is to listen and attempt to draw everything that is being discussed. This serves both as a way to entertain without visual stimulus and to keep a rather eccentric set of notes as evidence of production. However, with all of this information I have yet to absorb, I wonder when I will devote time to the more fulfilling act of creative production. Of course, I have to have information to work with before I can make anything worthwhile, but I can't learn all my life AND make all my life. Luckily, making tends to infer a certain learning by its own right. It's an interesting perspective I'd never looked at before.

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