Monday, February 22, 2010

Past Passed

When I was little, growing up meant a lot more ice cream, a lot less rules, and no bedtime.

This evening was spent in the company of horrendously immature babblers, falling over themselves to correct each others' knowledgeable, irrelevant professions.

"He could've handled that better." AP Gov is one of the most entertaining, enlightening classes I've ever had the pleasure to experience. Strange, that there have been more original ideas and witty statements flung out in this class than in English. I am besides myself with gratefulness.

"Let me become acutely aware of all I've taken for granted."
-Sylvia Plath, one of the very few interesting things of hers I've read

Between school and now, with robotics in between, I managed to complete 7 of the 9 homework assignments written on my hand and both visual and verbal expressions of what my first real orgasm felt like.

I've been practicing hacky-sacking. I don't know what the verb is, much like I do not know the term for one who plays the accordion (more like discordian! Ayo!)

If PSSAs were to start all over again tomorrow, I'd be reduced to passing notes across the middle person to Kira. Those few hours were so much fun, like one great big Breakfast Club detention. I wish there was something to apologize for, so I could maybe have some more moments like that. Mostly, I'd be apologizing for getting older.

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