Tuesday, June 24, 2008


It was a humid day, grey with clouds heavy with rain. It had been pattering on and off, all morning just enough to cool down the air. I was pulling on socks, long, dark socks that came over my knees. Odd for such a hot day, and the white shorts I was wearing didn't fit with either of my podial choices, high socks and chuck taylors. There were no other shoes. My iPod shuffled, Tangerine. Oh meloncholy day, to have my iPod agree worsened my sense of restlessness and all about discontentment. Yet the lyrics have changed for me, and they play like elevator muzak. Rain causes the leaves to become a patterned mosaic, they fade even more to become a blur of green, and I realize Wish You Were Here was causing my eyes become wet, hm, what a mysterious feeling this was... How the music swayed my thoughts...

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