Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Notes I Wrote

This is my journal entry describing my feelings about band. It is dated Saturday, October 28th, 2006.

"The band, which has led to "Pit Parties""
I joined the school band at the end of eigth grade, although I didn't play a specific instrument in the band, I knew the notes on a piano, so I started playing xlyphone, which will now be referred to as mallets, or "The Spawn of Satan." Music in the band was simple for percussion, and was a good challenge for a beginner. Learning my music in time for the spring concert, I preformed with the rest of the band. During this time, I was also in chorus, although I didn't like it much, because although many of my friends were in it, those who weren't my friends I am not fond of at all. Taking up too much time now, and not wanting to devote credits to it in the high-school, I dropped chorus and devoted myself to band.

An excellent decision on my part, I first met the high-school bandees at the first day of marching band camp, July 12th. I already knew Kacee, even though I didn't know she was in the pit, so she became my senior awesomeness cool of a homie and introduced me to most of the bandees. Taking sometime to get used to everyone, I continued looking at my music until our first full week of band camp, at the end of august. Spending some time getting to know each other, supplied with cake or other goodies, the Pit became a loving place, where Democrats reigned freely (With the exception of zac)(Zack?). Our drum majors, though crazy seemed fine, but it didn't matter because we never marched. Because a band who is friends outside of the band performs better, the yearly tradition of "Pit Parties". Where discussion poltics, sexual liberation, band politics, people, and bottle cap wars became both enjoyable and slightly unsettling. Section leaders Jeff and Nikki lead the way with excellent performances and benevolent dictatorships.

Our awesomeness is spreading to other bandees, included beloved drum major, schlicter, who, to our enjoyment, was the recipiant of an obscene phone call. Much funny. For those who were there. Ewww... schlitcter... The (beloved) members of the Pit Included: Jeff, Nikki, Kacee, Trisha, Sarah, Zac (Zack?), Alana, Molly, Rebecca, Ally, and Meg. New members include Emily and Automm. My unbeloved member is Dave Shwarts.

To the ULTIMATE PIT!! Honorary members. Viv, once the "Official Honorary Member" is now momma Viv of the "Officially Official Pit" and beloved by all who know of her. Cora Cora, my much loved semi-not-even-a-bandee, but who cares? Also, Steph, of the cymbols, Loved by all, and the best cymbolist this band has ever seen. SUPER HONORARY member of the PIT is Abby J. who spends more time with the pit than Dave (and probably Trisha).

Homecoming is tomorrow and the band, included the Pit disguised as honor guard, will march valiently from somewhere, to somewhere else, I don't really know.

Post Script: I spelled just about everyone's name and "cymbals" wrong in this, but the message is relatively clear.

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